Vitamin D and Omega-3 supplements help the elderly avoid Covid-19 infection by boosting their immune systems, study claims

The topic of vitamin D and the health benefits it confers remain central to recent news articles, particularly as our daily dose of sunlight dwindles and we begin to embrace the darker evenings. As increasing research emerges about the vitamin’s role in protecting against Covid-19, the Health Secretary has urged people to adopt a supplementary regime that includes vitamin D in a bid to boost their overall health.

Added to this, a recent study has found that taking regular vitamin D and omega-3 supplements can help to reduce infections amongst elderly clients, including Covid-19. In an analysis of 2,157 healthy men and women aged 70 and older, it was found that omega-3 users were 11 per cent less likely to suffer infections. Similarly, vitamin D was found to slash infection risk by 16 per cent in 70 to 74-year-olds, in addition to lowering blood pressure by 2.5 mmHg in male participants.

Given the high safety and low costs of vitamin D and omega-3, it seems that the popularity of these supplements is set to rise as our sun exposure is lessened during the colder months.

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